HOW TO DO BLOGGING/ GOLDEN RULES FOR BLOGGER IN 2020 Yeah you saw the correct title I am insisting you to started your blog channel. Its not hard as we all know its 2020 and not much work to do than why not to do blogging. So in these blog of gyansblogs we will today discuss about how to do blogging. And also we will talk a bit about some golden rules. First lets talk about golden rule. So the golden rule for blogger in 2020 or maybe any year is to be punctual. In blogging or whether it be a YouTube punctuality is a key to success. No matter how tough the situation is you should upload at least one of your blog or video. These will not only help you but will also teach some life rules. So lets focus to our topic. So Hello guys, welcome to the new blog of gyansblogs. So guys I know most of you must be thinking to start a blogging channel. And if you really want than go for it. You know why, cause there is high scope in blogging. Not only you can earn but also you can help s