HOW TO GET MORE TRAFFIC TO BLOG/ TIPS/ blogger/ gyansblogs-2020
Welcome back guys to our new blog. So guys this blog
will be related to increasing traffics to your websites. That is how to get more traffic to your blog. So hello guys my name
is Gyan and you are viewing our website gyansblogs. So guys as a blogger or a
website owner we all know the importance of traffic or visitors or viewers. We always want to get more traffic to our blogging site or page. So we try different alternatives to do so. So here are some of my tips to get more traffic to your page. We
always try searching some tricks or method to attract more traffic. So in this
blog we will be discussing the topics and tricks to get more traffic.
There are various ways of getting traffic. But
before that there some points you need to be aware of without which there’s no
point. If you ignore these points than I am sorry you’re not going to survive
for long time. I own a blogging page so the points here are for blog page and
the points are,
Make your site visible: for this you
simple need to go to your settings on blogs and enable the setting visible to
search engine and then refresh. Wait for few days and you will see your website
is visible. But for this too, there are some criteria like if you own a domain
than there are more chances of been visible to the search engine. Make some
settings to your sites like add title for your site and description that best
describes your site like if your site is related to fitness than add some
details about views and what are the things you are considering in your blog.
Enable the language into your preferred language the language in which you will
be showcasing your blog. Add Google analytics I.D to your site. Add a favicon
and also add Meta description to your site.
2. Be regular and punctual: Publish your blog on regular basis. Don’t do something like publish one blog today and another after a year. This will not be of any use and forget about getting traffic to your site. Be punctual and be on time like if you have decided specific day than try to publish and that very day and specific time.
Do some keyword research: Before
publishing the blog to your site do some keywords research. Try to know the
search volume. If the keyword has more volume and there is low difficulty than
try to use such keyword there are high chances that your blog may get ranked on
Create back links: Back links play a
berry important role in ranking your blog. The more number of backlines you
have for your site the more there are chances of getting traffic. These can
easily help your blog to rank on Google.
Know20 Golden rules for blogging
So now let’s discuss
some tips for increasing traffic to your sites.
As beginners we all do this. We share out blogs to friends and family and peers and ask them too share as much as they can. This is the first step of getting traffic. So a beginners you all can share your blog with friends this in term will help you in opening your traffic for your site. This will not only motivate you but will help you in being engaged to your blog and you will be more eager to add more blogs to your site.
You can share your blog on various social media like whatsapp, instagram and also Facebook. In fact in the beginning you can exchange traffic through Facebook. There are numbers of pages that helps in exchanging the traffic. This will help you in getting number of visitors in the beginning itself. Are number of group on facebook that help in getting traffic for traffic this in term help both the individual to get visitors to their website. You can also use instagram and whatsapp in similar manner but like facebook there is no such group or pages on whatsapp through which you can exchange traffic, but by you yourself you can create a group for the exchange of traffic on whatsapp and insta and add members who are on the same page like you. Who are looking for traffic through and visitors.
§ YouTube:
YouTube is a video platform, that' is drive by two types of users they are
1. Video creators (people who have channels and upload videos to them)
2. Video viewers (people who watch videos, interact with videos and subscribe to channels).
YouTube is available in nearly every country and over various different languages. YouTube is the second most search engine at first there is Google and on second there is YouTube. Since YouTube is owned by Google, all you need is a Google account to create a YouTube account and start using it. Not only this but when you upload video you can share the reference of your link in description bar. So if the viewers want to get more details about your blog then he/ she can visit your site and can easily view your blog.
§ Pinterest:
Pinterest is a social media website that allows
users to organize and share images and videos from around the Web, no
matter which the images are or ehich the videos are we can easily share on pinterest.
Images uploaded by users are called Pins and may be organized into pin boards,
which may be customized, themed and followed by other users. Users can also
like or repin content shared by other pinners. On pinterest you can share
images of your blog and provide URL of your sites so that when a user clicks on
the images he will be automatically driven to your website. This will
automatically increase traffic to your website.
§ Quora:
Quora is a
place to gain and share knowledge. It's a platform to ask questions and connect
with people who contribute unique insights and quality answers. This empowers
people to learn from each other and to better understand the world. You can
answer the questions and mention your link if required. But do remember one thing
that mention of links on quora is often considered as spam. So before
mentioning your link see to it that the link is very essential. Or else at
start you can share few answers and then slowly you can share your links this
will help quora in understanding that the user is not a spammer and you can
easily gain trust.
here were some tips to get traffic to your site these are easy ways of
attracting traffic. You can also imply paid up strategy to get more traffic but
as beginners these are the best methods of getting traffic. There are also various other alternatives to get traffic but as a beginner you can acquire traffic in thousands at the beginning it self.
Want to know how I started blogging?
is not something very tough or hard anyone can make money from blogging. They
just need to write on topics. Blogs may be of different types like it can be
personal blog, it may be food blog, it can be travel blog, it can be blog on
bikes and cycles, blog may be on social and politics and a lot more. Just start
writing in whichever thing you are comfortable. I guarantee you whether blog
will be give you income or not but it will help you in becoming the better
version of yourself. So be yourself and be true to yourself be punctual and be
passionate in whichever things you do. You will fail once twice thrice but try
and try till you become the best of yourself. This was how the gyansblogs came
into existence and yours will come into existence. But for that believe inyourself.
That’s it with today’s blogs see you in next blog. Do follow and share if you like it and don’t forget to subscribe to our blog to get more blogs on these. See you in next blog till than be safe, be alert and take care.
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